As a way to ensure that all of the surfaces of a cast engine block are able to be cleaned (shot blasted), it is necessary to rotate the newly cast raw engine block as it moves through the shot blast cabinet.
To enable the raw blocks to maintain positioning during the cleaning operation, a cage is necessary to “hold” the blocks in position while allowing the velocity of the steel shot to circulate with minimum blockage.
Manganese Blast Cage Components:
In addition to offering new 11-14% Manganese Steel shot blast cage assemblies, Steel Strategies encourages the use of replacement component parts - to prolong the life of the entire assembly.
Blast Cage Assemblies (multi-block):
11-14% Manganese Steel shot blast cage assemblies have been provided for the 6.8L V-10 blocks (foreground) and the 5.4L V-8 blocks (background), along with the 3.0L V-6 blocks, with improvements in component life.
Blast Cage Assemblies (small):
11-14% Manganese Steel shot blast cage assemblies have been provided for smaller cast engine parts as well, with improvements in component life.